Postdoctoral Researcher Dr. Cristina Zepeda to Start Tenure-Track Faculty Position at Vanderbilt University
Congratulations to postdoctoral fellow Dr. Cristina Zepeda on her new tenure-track faculty position at Vanderbilt University!
Congratulations to postdoctoral fellow Dr. Cristina Zepeda on her new tenure-track faculty position at Vanderbilt University!
Congratulations to doctoral student Maegan Ruiz for being awarded 1st Place in the ArtSci+DBBS+UCollege category at the 2022 Graduate Research Symposium!
St. Louis Public Radio | The initiative, known as the St. Louis School Research-Practice Collaborative, has brought together researchers from Washington University, Harris-Stowe State University, St. Louis University and the University of Missouri-St. Louis, with educators from St. Louis Public Schools, Confluence Academies and KIPP St. Louis.
Washington University Olin Fellow and Master of Arts in Teaching student Jalie Moore has been awarded a 2022 U.S. Department of State Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) to participate in an intensive Russian language program.
Congratulations to John Harrop for receiving the Manson A. Stewart Teacher Training Award from the Classical Association of the Middle West and South.
Recent research undertaken by Ph.D. student Rachel Martin, Dr. Andrew Butler, and Dr. Rowhea Elmesky in WashU’s Department of Education explores the connection between students’ perceptions of instructor care and their help-seeking behavior. They surveyed undergraduate students across campus in the spring semester of 2021 and asked: “How do you know when an instructor cares about you?”
Assistant Professor of Education, Dr. Ebony Duncan-Shippy, was quoted in The Christian Science Monitor's article discussing Critical Race Theory (CRT) in American schools.
The Department of Education has received a $30,000 Teacher Recruitment and Retention Grant from Missouri’s Department of Elementary and Secondary Education for the purpose of recruiting male candidates and teacher candidates of color in hard-to-staff content areas such as special education, math, and science.
Kappa Delta Pi's (KDP) grant proposal, "Activating a Multilingual Family Lending Library", has been accepted by the Women's Society of Washington University. It will be funded for the maximum amount of $1,000.
Congratulations to Dr. Cristina Zepeda! Cristina has received a Psychonomic Society and Women in Cognitive Science Networking Award for Junior Scientists.
Congratulations to Education doctoral student Rachel Martin! She was awarded a $1,000 Research Development Grant from the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP).
Dr. Gilbert, an expert in social studies curriculum and instruction and in culturally responsive pedagogy, offers her perspective on how social studies education has changed over the last 20-30 years, why this has become such a polarizing issue and where schools should go from here.