A white man with dark hair and a blue tie reads from a laptop.


Dr. Andrew Butler selected for an Emerson 2021 Excellence in Teaching Award

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Congratulations to Education department chair, Dr. Andrew Butler, for receiving an Emerson 2021 Excellence in Teaching Award!

Departments of Education & AFAS are accepting applications for a tenured associate professor or full professor in Education Policy

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WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST. LOUIS, Departments of Education & African and African-American Studies – Tenured Associate Professor or Full Professor in Education Policy

Partnering for Restorative Justice

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Since 2014, University City High School has reduced suspensions by more than 40% and dramatically changed its school culture. Rowhea Elmesky, associate professor of education, and Olivia Marcucci, PhD ’19, helped make it happen.

Dr. Michelle Purdy, 2021 Arts & Sciences Distinguished Teaching Award

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Congratulations to Dr. Michelle Purdy as she has been chosen to receive a 2021 Arts & Sciences Distinguished Teaching Award!

Dr. Chris Rozek named a "Rising Star" by the Association for Psychological Science

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The Department of Education congratulates Dr. Chris Rozek on being named a "Rising Star" by the Association for Psychological Science (APS).

Offering a major-minor welcome

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The Department of Education's Major-Minor Welcome event was featured in the Ampersand. Michelle Purdy, associate professor of education and director of the undergraduate program in educational studies, shared, “I’m excited that the newly declared majors were able to meet upperclass students and hear about the different combinations of majors that students have in our department.”

How the COVID-19 pandemic affected St. Louis teens’ extracurriculars

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In St. Louis Magazine, Andrew Butler, chair and associate professor of education at Washington University in St. Louis, suggests that parents and educators remain patient while interacting with students: “Their interpersonal relationships with peers and teachers are so important.” Butler adds that the extra downtime has at least one silver lining: more time to rest, with most kids spread too thin before the pandemic.

Congratulations to Dr. Huan Liu for successfully defending her dissertation

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Join us in congratulating Dr. Huan Liu for successfully defending her dissertation, entitled "Text Adjuncts and Comprehension with University Level Second Language Readers"!

Department of Education is accepting applications for a non-tenure track lecturer appointment

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Remembering Professor Garrett Albert Duncan

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The Department of Education community mourns the recent passing of Garrett Duncan, associate professor of education and of African and African American studies, both in Arts & Sciences, at Washington University in St. Louis. Duncan’s research explored issues of race, culture, education, and society, with particular focus — through his “Schooling as a Moral Enterprise” project — on the education of Black students in urban and suburban schools. He published extensively on Black youth, identity, language and ethics, and frequently wrote and commented for national and international news media. Professor Duncan taught a range of courses including the Education of Black Children and Youth, the Construction and Experience of Black Adolescence, Sociology of Education, Politics of Education, and Philosophies of Education. Affectionately known as GAD or Gee, Professor Duncan engaged students in critical intellectual inquiry and believed so fervently in students being change agents.

Stress And Depression Rising Again Among Students As School Closures Drag On

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At the start of the school year, about a quarter of high school students screened by Dr. Chris Rozek, assistant professor in the Department of Education at Washington University, showed signs of major depression. That’s double the historical average — 11% — and as the pandemic lasted into the winter, rates are increasing again, he said.

Congratulations Janet Frederick - Kornblum Scholarship

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Congratulations to Janet Frederick for receiving the Beatrice and David Kornblum Endowed Scholarship for the Fall 2020 semester! The purpose of the Kornblum Scholarship is to support graduate students who show exceptional promise in their area of study.