The Teaching-Learning Process in the Secondary School


Spring continues the year-long Teaching-Learning and Curriculum & Instruction sequence. Teaching-Learning will meet for 3-5 days before the semester begins for orientation to student teaching which takes place concurrently with this course. Course topics and discussion further develop knowledge in a variety of areas that are experienced during student teaching such as the refinement of pedagogy strategies and skills; the analysis of instruction; social, political, and legal issues of schooling; and the Missouri Educator Evaluation System (MEES) for certification. Additional topics include: creation and development of engaging and challenging standards-based curriculum; understanding diverse cultural perspectives of emergent bilingual students and how to select appropriate strategies for addressing individual needs in meeting curriculum objectives; incorporating strategies for individual student needs based on diverse backgrounds and prior experiences to deliver differentiated instruction; creating a positive learning environment through effective classroom management using strategies based on research and pedagogically sound techniques; developing reflective practices to improve teaching while understanding the importance of utilizing professional learning opportunities in school districts and professional organizations; understanding the importance of communication, professional relationships, and collaboration with teachers, administrators, families, and the community; and, understanding the nature of professional, ethical, behavior and the need to adhere to district policies and school procedures.Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education Program. Enrollment Note: Undergraduate students must enroll in Educ. 4821, and graduate students must enroll in Educ. 6821.
Course Attributes: EN S; AS SSC; AS WI I; FA SSC; AR SSC

Section 01

The Teaching-Learning Process in the Secondary School
INSTRUCTOR: Nancy Hollingsworth
View Course Listing - SP2024
View Course Listing - SP2025