Mark Hogrebe

Educational Research, Statistician
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    • Department of Education
    • MSC 1183-228-107
    • Washington University
    • 1 Brookings Drive
    • St. Louis MO 63130-4899
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    Dr. Hogrebe is an educational researcher in the Department of Education and studies topics related to the teacher education program.

    Dr. Hogrebe is an educational researcher in the Department of Education and studies topics related to the teacher education program. He collaborates with the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) on data reporting and teacher education and is a member of the Missouri Technical Advisory Committee that studies issues related to teacher education program assessment. He received his Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from the University of Georgia and has taught courses in applied statistics, research methods, tests and measurement, and GIS for educational researchers. He presently teaches the Foundations of Educational Research ED 503 course for graduate students.

    Dr. Hogrebe directed the St. Louis Regional Database Project that compiled data and research about K-12 scientific attainment and other educational indicators. He also served as a research and statistical analyst for the NSF Math and Science Partnership grant program at Washington University.

    His interests include research and evaluation methodologies in applied settings, education in the STEM fields, diversity issues, and using geographic information systems (GIS) to give geospatial perspective to education data. His signature research projects integrate data from different sources into GIS technologies that help researchers understand and communicate complex spatial relationships. The GIS approach to studying and presenting data recognizes the role of place in shaping the educational context and helps educational researchers communicate these relationships more effectively with school officials, policy-makers, community leaders, teachers, and parents. He has taught a number of professional development courses at AERA on the use of GIS for educational researchers.

    Selected Publications:

    Recent articles published

    Li, Y., Brantmeier, C., Gao, Y., & Hogrebe, M. (2022). Comparing Reading Strategy Measures and L2 Readers’ Performance on Different Comprehension Tasks. Reading in a Foreign Language, 34(2), 271-305.

    Hogrebe, M. C., & Tate, W. F. (2019). Residential Segregation Across Metro St. Louis School Districts: Examining the Intersection of Two Spatial Dimensions. AERA Open5(1), 1-13  

    Tate, W.F. & Hogrebe, M.C. (2018). Show Me: Diversity and Isolation Indicators of Spatial Segregation Within and Across Missouri's School Districts. Peabody Journal of Education93(1), 5-22.

    Dolosic, H., Brantmeier, C., Strube, M., & Hogrebe, M.C. (2016). Living language: Self-assessment, oral production, and domestic immersion. Foreign Language Annals, 49(2), 302-316, DOI: 10.1111/flan.12191.

    Repice, M.D., Sawyer, R.K., Hogrebe, M.C., Brown, P.J., Luesse, S.B., Gealy, D.J., and Frey, R.F. (2016). Talking through the problems: A study of discourse in peer-led small groups. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, DOI: 10.1039/C5RP00154D

    Hogrebe, M.C. & Tate, W.F. (2015). Poverty and algebra performance: A comparative spatial analysis of a border south state.  Peabody Journal of Education, 90(3), 380-403.

    Hogrebe, M.C. & Tate, W.F. (2012). Place, poverty, and algebra: A statewide comparative spatial analysis of variable relationships. Journal of Mathematics Education at Teachers College, 3, 12-24.

    Hogrebe, M.C. & Tate, W.F. (2012). Geospatial perspective: toward a visual political literacy project in education, health, and human services. Review of Research in Education, 36(1), 88-115.

    Shields, S.P., Hogrebe, M.C., Spees, W.M., Handlin, L.B., Noelken, G.P., Riley, J.M., & Frey, R.F. (2012). A transition program for underprepared students in general chemistry: diagnosis, implementation and evaluation. Journal of Chemical Education89, 995-1000.

    Tate, W.F., Jones, B.D., Thorne-Wallington, E., & Hogrebe, M.C. (2012). Science and the city: thinking geospatially about opportunity to learn. Urban Education, 47(2), 399-433.

    Tate, W.F. & Hogrebe, M. (2011). From visuals to vision: using GIS to inform civic dialogue about African American males. Race, Ethnicity, and Education, 14(1), 51-71.

    Hogrebe, M.C. & Tate, W.F. (2010). School composition and context factors that moderate and predict 10th-grade science proficiency. Teachers College Record, 112(4), 1096-1136.

    Hogrebe, M.C., Kyei-Blankson, L., & Zou, L. (2008). Examining regional scientific attainment and school-teacher resources using GIS.  Education and Urban Society, 40(5), 570-589.

    Book chapters

    Hogrebe, M.C. & Tate, W.F. (2017). Exploring Educational Opportunity with Geospatial Patterns in High School Algebra 1 and Advanced Mathematics Courses. In Morrison, D., Annamma, S.A., & Jackson, D.D. (Eds.), Critical Race Spatial Analysis: Mapping to Understand and Address Educational Inequity. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.

    Notaro, S., Daugherty, E., Hogrebe, M.C., Howard, P., Mitchell, D., & Tate, W.F.  (2017). The Chancellor’s Graduate Fellowship Program: A Pre- and Post-Grutter Analysis. In Tate, W.F., Staudt, N., & Macrander, A. (Eds.), The Crisis of Race in Higher Education: A Day of Discovery and Dialogue. Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing.

    Hogrebe, M.C. & Tate, W.F. (2015). Poverty, place, and biological proficiency: A comparative statewide analysis. In Tierney, W. G. (Ed.), Rethinking Education and Poverty. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.

    Hogrebe, M.C., Kyei-Blankson, L., & Tate, W.F. (2013). Interstate School Choice? Evaluating Educational Quality in Metropolitan Regions That Are Divided by State Lines. In Donnor, J.K. & Dixson, A. (Eds.), The Resegregation of Schools: Education and Race in the 21st Century. New York, NY: Routledge.

    Hogrebe, M. C. (2012). Adding geospatial perspective to research on schools, communities, and neighborhoods. In Tate, W. F. (Ed.), Research on Schools, Neighborhoods, and Communities: Toward Civic Responsibility. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers

    Instructor for AERA professional development courses

    Hogrebe, M.C. & Geverdt, D. Mapping Your Educational Research: Putting Spatial Concepts into Practice with GIS. Four-hour course presented at the American Educational Research Association national conference, April 2014, Philadelphia, PA. (Also currently available for viewing at the AERA Virtual Research Learning Center.)

    Hogrebe, M.C., Geverdt, D., & Kerski, J. An Introduction to GIS for Educational Researchers. Two-day GIS workshop presented at the American Educational Research Association national conference, April 2010, Denver, CO.

    Hogrebe, M.C. & Geverdt, D. An Introduction to GIS for Educational Researchers. Four-hour course presented at the American Educational Research Association national conference, April 2009, San Diego, CA.

    Hogrebe, M.C., Bell, C., & Gulosino, C.  An Introduction to GIS for Educational Researchers. Four-hour course presented at the American Educational Research Association national conference, March 2008, New York, NY.