Rozek Awarded TRIADS Seed Grant

Neighborhood Change, Student Mobility, and School Belonging: Novel Insights Using Advanced Methods and Algorithmic Data Linkages

Principal Investigator: Jason Jabbari (Brown School)
Team Members: Christopher Rozek (Education), Ted Enamorado (Political Science)

Students do better at school when they feel like they belong — that their peers and educators respect, include, and support them. But lower-income students face unique barriers to their sense of belonging, especially given their tendency to change homes and schools more frequently than higher-income peers. This project will study how students’ sense of belonging is related to student mobility (changing schools or districts due to a family move) and other long-term outcomes (including students’ likelihood to attend college or vote post-high school). It will merge unique strands of data from families, schools, and neighborhoods. The team will also collect new data on student belonging through a pilot project.

Through these studies, the team will develop potential school-based interventions to assist highly mobile students in St. Louis, helping to bolster their sense of belonging in their new schools and improve their long-term outcomes.