Neighborhoods, Schools, and Social Inequality


A major purpose of the course is to study the research and policy literature related to neighborhoods, schools and the corresponding opportunity structure in urban America. The course will be informed by theoretical models drawn from economics, political science, sociology, anthropology, education and law. A major focus is to gain greater understanding of the experiences and opportunity structure(s) of urban dwellers, in general, and urban youth, in particular. While major emphasis will be placed on data derived from the interface of urban environments and the corresponding institutions within them, the generational experiences of various ethnic groups will complement the course foci. Prerequisite: Completion of any 1000, 2000, or 3000-level Education course, graduate standing, or permission of instructor. Enrollment note: All students are enrolled onto the waitlist. Priority is given to Department of Education majors, minors, and graduate students. Undergraduate students must enroll in Educ. 4289 and graduate students must enroll in Educ. 5289
Course Attributes: EN S; BU BA; AS SSC; AS SD I; FA SSC; AR SSC; AS SC

Section 01

Neighborhoods, Schools, and Social Inequality
INSTRUCTOR: Sarah Lillo Kang
View Course Listing - FL2023
View Course Listing - FL2024
View Course Listing - SP2025