Middle School Curriculum and Instruction


By building on knowledge of the middle-level child and the ways in which middle schools are organized to meet the needs of middle-level children (covered in Educ 4951), this course explores the learning styles and attributes of middle-school students and examines instructional theory, methods, and materials appropriate to grades 5 through 9. In addition, portions of this course will be devoted to specific content field methodology and subdivided into English/language arts and social studies or science and math. The English/social studies and science/math sessions will be held concurrently, and students will attend the session appropriate to their content majors or minors. Interdisciplinary team teaching will be modeled and featured in these sessions. This course features a required practicum experience. Prerequisite: Admission to the teacher education program. Enrollment note: Undergraduate students must enroll in Educ. 4952, and graduate students must enroll in Educ. 6952.
Course Attributes: EN S; AS SSC; FA SSC

Section 51

Middle School Curriculum and Instruction
INSTRUCTOR: Jessica Bockskopf

Section 01

Middle School Curriculum and Instruction
INSTRUCTOR: Angela Kelly
View Course Listing - FL2024