Introduction to Education: Social Inequality, Development, & Early Childhood Education


Education begins long before children are introduced to formal schooling, and factors both internal and external to schools influence children's education. An understanding of the social, political, and economic contexts of families and schools is essential to understanding how social factors impact individuals. Race, class, health, and place exert influence on individual achievement and opportunity throughout the life course. This course will examine such factors as they relate to early developmental outcomes, school readiness skills, later academic achievement, and success in schooling. Course readings and activities will examine the influence of families, neighborhoods, the built environment and health on early childhood development and education and will offer corresponding implications for education policy. This course will examine the complex ecosystem of neighborhoods and schooling and will offer students a broad overview of these themes as we critically examine inequality and education in the United States.
Course Attributes: EN S; BU BA; AS SSC; FA SSC; AR SSC

Section 01

Introduction to Education: Social Inequality, Development, & Early Childhood Education
INSTRUCTOR: Kelly Harris