Instructional Techniques for Art K-12


Instructional Techniques for Art K-12 will center on developing an understanding of how the integrative approach to arts education can be implemented in both the visual arts classroom, and also the subject area elementary, middle, and high school classrooms. Emphasis will be placed on the development of studio based visual art techniques across the K-12 curriculum and how these can be used to foster creativity, imagination, critical thinking skills, and individual solutions to a variety of visual and integration based problems. The philosophical bases for this course are the developing ideas that the arts are uniquely positioned to play an important role in helping all educators transform their teaching to address the needs of 21st century, K-12 learners. This progressive approach to arts education is based upon the framework that there are two separate but related roles for the arts in our schools. The first role for arts education is a standards based, sequential, comprehensive exploration of the arts founded on performance, criticism, process, communication and connections. The first role often takes a cross curricular approach to arts learning, but stays mainly focused on the arts. The second role is for the arts to be placed at the center of a variety of arts integration approaches to teaching and curriculum design. These approaches include arts integration, project based learning, universal design for learning, and STEAM. Enrollment note: must be taken concurrently with L12 4000/6000 and L12 400A/6001 unless approved by the Director of Teacher Education.
Course Attributes:

Section 01

Instructional Techniques for Art K-12
INSTRUCTOR: Jocelyn Meyer
View Course Listing - FL2023
View Course Listing - FL2024