First-Year Seminar: Improving Student Success Through Psychological Interventions


One of the most exciting transformations in the social sciences in recent years is the finding that brief psychological exercises can improve important student outcomes for months and years, such as raising school achievement and reducing inequality. These interventions help individuals flourish and help our society live up to its ideals. They address critical psychological questions that people have, like the following: Do people like me belong in this school? Can I learn math? When will I ever use what I am learning in class? In this seminar, we will learn about psychological interventions in education; how they work; how they can cause lasting benefits; their intellectual lineage; how they can be used, adapted, and scaled to address contemporary problems; and challenges and mistakes that can arise in doing so. In addition to learning from classic and contemporary research, students will design their very own intervention and workshop others' efforts. When students have completed this seminar, they will more fully understand the psychological aspect of educational problems and how this can be addressed through rigorous research.
Course Attributes: EN S; FYS; BU BA; AS SSC; FA SSC; AR SSC

Section 01

First-Year Seminar: Improving Student Success Through Psychological Interventions
INSTRUCTOR: Christopher Rozek
View Course Listing - FL2024