A black and white photo of the US capitol building

Department of Education Speaker Series: "The Future of Educational Assessment and the Role of the Federal Government"

Dr. Sean "Jack" Buckley will draw on his extensive experience in U.S. and international assessments at the K12 through postsecondary levels to discuss the state and future of education assessment in the U.S.

Dr. Sean "Jack" Buckley will draw on his extensive experience in U.S. and international assessments at the K-12 through postsecondary levels to discuss the state and future of education assessment in the U.S.   His insights are drawn from deep expertise in education research design, statistical analysis and large-scale data systems.  During his service as Commissioner of the U.S. Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics, he was responsible for the measurement of all aspects in education, including the National Assessment of Academic Progress (NAEP), also known as "The Nation's Report Card". Additionally, he helped lead the redesign of the SAT as Sr. VP for Research at The College Board. Dr. Buckley has held faculty positions at New York University and Boston College.  He remains a "go-to" advisor on education research and assessment, and currently serves as Vice President of People and People Science at Roblox.  He holds an M.A.  and PhD in Political Science and Government from Stony Brook University and a B.A. in Government from Harvard University.

Join us October 1, 2:30-3:30pm in-person in DUC 234 or virtually. RSVP to receive the Zoom link.

Light refreshments will be served.